Welcome to Avalon Treatment Center
Our Offered Services
OUTPATIENT TREATMENT PROGRAM Drug/Alcohol Treatment Program provided by Kevin Norton,LCSW providing Services at the Tallahassee location
Domestic Violence Treatment Program

If you are referred by an attorney and are in need of services prior to court we can help! With the purchase of a Bio-Psychosocial Evaluation and SASSI #3 Testing/Additional Testing, you will receive our most intensive evaluation services. This evaluation is for drug/alcohol abuse/dependency and has helped in mitigation of thousands of court cases referred to this office. In addition, court testimony/appearance by our provides can also be purchased if needed.
Often in criminal cases that involve the abuse/use of drugs or alcohol, if your attorney feels it will be helpful, you can undergo an evaluation and the court will order you to follow the treatment recommendations. These type of evaluations can provide you and your attorney with mitigating factors such as treatment plans to help give the court an alternative to incarceration. Keeping this in mind, you should undergo an evaluation at the earliest possible moment, which will show the court and the prosecutor that you are taking responsibility for your actions, and will also allow you to know what the recommended treatment plan will be.
The Importance of Treatment
Addiction is more than a physical dependence on drugs. Psychological and social factors are often powerful stimuli for drug/alcohol abuse relapse: Stress, especially sudden life stresses, cues in the environment, like visiting a neighborhood and social networks, like spending time with friends who continue to use drugs. These factors can create ongoing, nearly irresistible urges to use drugs/alcohol.
Our office uses SASSI #3 testing as a part of our intensive Bio-Psychosocial Evaluation.

Avalon Treatment Center strives to provide attorney’s, whether we have worked with you in the past or are looking to work with you in the future, with excellent evaluations, treatment plans and programs for your clientele. Joanna Johnson, RCSWI, MSW.,CAC,CCFC has been in the field of social work for over thirty (30) years. She was nominated and won counselor of years during 2011 for two different organizations, FADAA and the FSAS.
We can help you help your clients!
For many years we have provided attorneys with evaluations for issues such as chemical use, battery and anger management. We are licensed by the Department of Children and Families for Intervention Services. Our evaluations can provide you with mitigating factors such as treatment plans to help give the court an alternative to incarceration.
Please give us a chance to help you and your clients! Contact us at (850) 999-2623 for a consultation and let us tell you what we can do to help.
Provided Services:
Outpatient Drug/Alcohol Treatment
Batterer Intervention Program
Anger Management Treatment
Anti-Theft Treatment
Victim Awareness/Victim Impact
Court Appearance/Testimony

The goal of the Outpatient Treatment Program is to help clients establish a satisfying life without alcohol or other addictive drugs.
Our Outpatient Program is structured into three (3) different types of programs designed for individuals who alcohol and/or drug problem is in early, middle or late stage abuse/dependency. It is an alternative approach to inpatient programs.
Program 1: Substance Abuse Treatment
This program is for clients with mild substance abuse issues (i.e. first time offenses). This program consists of six (6) to twelve (12) sessions of didactic information about alcoholism and chemical dependency.
This program's syllabus varies depending on the amount of required sessions and is individualized to each client per an individual treatment plan. This program covers the first steps of our manual including information in the following areas: The Disease of Addiction Concept, What is Recovery and Abstinence, The Drug Addiction Self-Test, Definition and Discussion of Obsessive and Compulsive Behavior.
Program 2: Substance Abuse/Chemical Dependency Treatment
This program is for clients with moderate to late stage substance abuse/chemical dependency issues. This program runs anywhere from twelve (12) to thirty-two (32) sessions. This program is strictly dependent upon an evaluation completed by our intake specialists and reviewed/approved by Joanna Johnson, RCSWI, MSW, CAC, at Avalon Treatment center.
This programs syllabus varies depending on the amount of required sessions individualized to each client per an individual treatment plan. The program will cover at least the first and second module of our manual which includes pages one (1) through thirty (30) including three (3) personal inventories. Other concepts discussed in this program are: Denial, Management, Enabling, Family Dynamics, Myth and Truths, Consequences including Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Principles, Values and Powerlessness.
Program 3: Aftercare/Relapse Prevention
This program consists of clients whom have completed outpatient or inpatient treatment programs. This program consists of twenty-six (26) sessions which are completed over a three (3) to six (6) month time period.
This program will cover all relapse prevention modules of our manual including three (3) personal inventories. Other concepts discussed in this program are: Denial, Relapse Prevention, Management, Enabling, Family Dynamics, Myth and Truths, Consequences including Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Principles, Values and Powerlessness.
This program uses a book written by the Joanna Johnson, RCSWI, MSW, CAC, CCFC. A Copy of this book can be purchased through the store on this website.
An excerpt from the book’s introduction:
"Addiction is not what you had intended for your life, as none of us do. Being able to grasp the concept that you have the disease rather than just a behavior is hard to swallow and that’s okay. Recovery comes slowly, daily, moment by moment. As was that experience in the creek, it is important that you are patient with yourself as you begin your new journey.
The road will have hills, valleys, sometimes dead-ends, really dark rivers, and small creeks. But no matter what, you will cross them all. Each one may be in a different way, but at the end, it will be you who will be the next adventure. Each new day presents an opportunity to begin again. Walk the stepping stones slowly like a brook. They will be slippery, but as you get more sure footed your balance will come back. Enjoy the experience."

The Batterer Intervention Program is a program that batterers attend, usually as part of the legal system response to an act of domestic violence. However, anyone who feels they may need to attend this program can attend voluntarily. The Batterer Intervention Program plays an important role in a coordinated community response to domestic violence. Victim safety and offender accountability are the primary goal of our Batterer Intervention Program. The Batterer Intervention Program is monitored, regulated, and certified by the Florida Department of Children and Families. In light of recent budget cuts, the Department determined it necessary to suspend the acceptance and approval of new applicants for certification as a batterer intervention program or as an assessor. Avalon Treatment Center counselor, Joanna Johnson, MSW, CAC, is in good standing and licensed by the Department of Children and Families to provide this program. The Batterer Intervention Program runs for a state mandated twenty-nine (29) weeks. Clients are required to attend on a weekly basis. The Batterer Intervention Program uses a psycho-educational group model that incorporates power and control dynamics in the program curriculum.
This program uses a book written by our owner/facilitator, Joanna Johnson, MSW, CAC, CCFC. A copy of this book can be purchased through the store on this website.

Avalon Treatment Centers’ Anger Management Program teaches highly effective anger management skills and techniques for adults. With participation in anger management groups, clients are provided with a safe, supportive environment that enables them to learn. Good anger management skills are invaluable in relationships, the workplace, and in almost all aspects of life. The ability to manage one's anger and to communicate effectively with others can significantly impact one's level of happiness and ability to achieve his/her goals. While almost everyone could benefit from learning new anger management techniques and skills, anger management treatment is particularly helpful for those who feel angry much of the time and tend to either 'bottle up' those feelings or express them in an inappropriate fashion.

Anti Theft Treatment
Anti- Theft Classes are designed for clients who may have been convicted of theft. These clients are ordered to participate in a Anti-Theft Treatment Programs for five (5) consecutive sessions, one (1) time per week. Avalon Treatment Centers provides the Probation Officer/Referral Source with Proof of Enrollment and Progress Reports and Completion/Discharge Reports.

Victim Awareness Program
Victim Impact Panel
Interventions Evaluation